Animation, Street theatre

FLIT is an itinerant show that can be put on in PARADES and STREET EVENTS where the actors perform dances and the most incredible twists and twirls on stilts or skates. 

FLIT is a visual event in which some normally tiny little things have become huge, monstrous and beautiful all at the same time. 

FLIT is a “festive wasps’ nest” featuring a spider that keeps hitting out with its legs in an attempt to catch the wasps. But the wasps, who are really clever, do not fall into her trap… unlike the audience, who get caught up in the spider’s web and have to shout and wave their arms to get out from under it if they want to avoid falling prey to the spider. The wasps use their poisonous stings to squirt bursts of water over the members of the audience. FLIT consists of: 7 wasps on skates or stilts, 1 giant spider and 1 mobile 2400 w sound system. 

With FLIT, SCURA SPLATS turns the streets into a giant microscope allowing us to observe these dangerous but funny flying insects.

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Cast and creatives

  • Costumes: Deblanc Proyectos Escénicos

  • Set designer: Maygar Grup

  • Music: Joan Raga

  • Photographer: Carme Canós

  • Video designer: Croma Vídeo

  • Graphic designer: Pasku

  • Executive producer: Mª Carmen Rubert, Carme Canós

  • Scriptwriter: Valentí Pinyot, Joan Raga

  • Artistic director: Valentí Pinyot, Joan Raga

Las avispas gigantes de Scura Splats llegaron para picarnos con su aguijón e inocularnos el veneno de la diversión
Joan Raga, director

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