Animation, Street theatre

Itinerant show for audiences of all ages. Street theatre in which the audience is encouraged to take part. Choreographed sequences with jumping stilts, games and lots of fun. 

The chickens and hens in a chicken coop have fallen prey to a strange disease known as feather plague. Unless a solution is found soon, they will surely all die. The only way to find a remedy is to get hold of the Vade-mecum that is hidden in a remote place that can only be reached by entering the forbidden labyrinth. The vicissitudes of the hens, the strength of the chicken and the participation of everyone in the audience will help them to eventually find a solution to the terrible disease that was killing off all the animals in the coop. 

CORRAL KAOS is dedicated to all those animals that make human life a little more human. And to our parents for letting us act like animals. And also to our friends for their friendship and to our enemies, just in case.

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Fiche artistique

  • : Lluna Albert

  • Costumes: Doble-T

  • Set designer: Lluna Albert

  • Set constructor: Fet d'encàrrec

  • Property master: Enric Juezas, Fil d'Aram

  • Music: Joan Raga

  • Graphic designer: Pasku

  • Video tech: Óscar Parra

  • Video designer: El Peatón

  • Photographer: Carme Canós

  • Management: César Álvaro, Rosabel Canós

  • Executive producer: Carme Canós

  • Scriptwriter: Joan Raga

  • Artistic director: Joan Raga

Ayudemos a los gallos y gallinas del corral a encontrar el Vademécum para poder curarles de su extraña enfermedad antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Joan Raga, director

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